We are delighted to welcome you our Year 6 class page. Miss Kay and Mr Hawkins are thrilled to be guiding the class of 2024-2025 through their final year at SMITH. We are joined by the wonderful Mrs Alleyne as our main Learning Support Assistant, supported by other adults throughout the week. We’re work very closely as a team, so feel free to speak to any of us!
In Year 6, we provide our children with so many different personal development opportunities for enrichment and leadership:
- We have used our understanding of democracy and will hold elections for house captains and vice captains for our four houses: Dingle, Mersey, Aigburth and Sefton.
- Children will be given the opportunity to apply for roles as school buddies and will be supporting younger children around the KS1 and KS2 buildings.
- Teachers have been busy planning a plethora of school trips across the school year. Children will have the opportunity to visit the Albert Dock, a Greek Orthodox Church, and our highly anticipated PGL residential.
Spring Term 2025
We have got some brilliant topics to study this half term, as well as getting ready for our SATs!
Here’s our Spring topic web –
SATs this year will take place on the week beginning Monday 12th March. There will be booster classes available and every child will be given a SATs revision homework book. If you would like to help your child further with SATs prep, here are some useful websites:
Please see the links before to see the Y6 passport, our current curriculum newsletter and topic webs as well as useful links for National Curriculum documentation.
Year 6 NewslettersY6 Autumn newsletter 2024-25
Topic Webs
For further, in the moment updates, we commit to regularly updating Class Dojo and Twitter (@st_michaels_ham). Please speak to your child’s class teacher should you need support with connecting to Class Dojo.
In Year 6, the children will have many opportunities to engage with the extra-curricular elements of school life. The passport below covers some of the tasks that we will complete throughout the year.
Working with parents
While we are looking forward to working with your children this year, we are also looking forward to working with our wonderful parents. We believe that in order for children to achieve, there needs to be a strong working relationship between home and school. We have expectations for all of our school community. Please find the Year 6 Parent Code of Conduct below.
Homework/Helpful Resources:
– Times Tables: Children are expected to learn their multiplication tables at home. In Year 6 children must be confident and fluent with the multiplication facts up to 12x.
– Spellings: Weekly spelling homework sheets are shared with the children every Thursday.
– Maths and English: weekly homework will alternate between the two main subjects. All homework will focus on an aspect of the curriculum or a particular skill already familiar to the children.