
Academic Year 2023-2024

St Michael-in-the-Hamlet Primary H&S Audit Report 2019-22

Policies are currently being updated for 2023-2024. 

Click links below to view school policies

Admissions Policy 2023-2024

Anti-Bullying Policy 2022-2023

Art and Design Policy 2023- 2024

Assessment Policy 21-22

Attendance Policy 2022-2023

Behaviour Policy 2022 -2023

Breakfast Club Policy 2022-2023

Care and Control Policy 2022-2023

Charging and Remissions Policy 2023-2024

Child Protection policy 22-23

Class Dojo Policy 2022-2023

Clubs Policy 2022-2023

Collecting Children Policy 2022-2023

Complaints Policy 2022-2023

Computing Policy 2023-2024

Confidentiality Policy 2021-2023

Critical Incident Policy 2018 – 2020

Curriculum Policy 2023-2024

Data Protection (GDPR) Policy 2023-2024

Design Technology Policy 2023 – 2024

Digital Devices Policy 2022-2023

Drugs Education Policy 2022-2023

Education Visits and School Trips Policy 2023 -2024

Emotional Health and Well Being Policy 2023-24

English Policy 2023-2024

Equality and Diversity Policy 2022-2023

Early Year Foundation Stage (EYFS) Policy 2022-2023

Fair Trade Policy 2022-2023

First Aid Policy 23-24

Geography Policy 2024 – 2025

Health and Safety policy 2020 – 2021

History Policy 2022 – 2023

Images Policy 2022-2023

Intimate Care Policy 2022 -2023      

Appendices to Intimate Care Plan 2022-2023

LADO Managing Allegations Process September 2020 – 2021

Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children Policy 2023-2024

Marking and Feedback Policy 21-22

Maths Calculation Policy 2023-2024

Mathematics Policy 2023-2024

Medical Policy April 2024

Missing Child Policy 2022-2023

Modern Foreign Languages Policy 2023-2024

Music Policy 2023-2024

Online Safety Policy 2022-23

Online Safety Curriculum 2020 – 2021

P4C Policy 2022-23

Parent/Carer Code of Conduct 2022-2023

Physical Education Policy 23-24

Phonics Policy 23-24

PHSE Policy 2023-24

Relationships & Sex Education 2023-24

Religious Education Policy 2023-2024

First Aid Policy 23-24

Safer Recruitment Policy 2022-2023

Science Policy 2022-2023

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Policy 2022 – 2023

Snow and Bad Weather Policy 2022-2023

SMITH SEND Policy 2023-24

SEND Information Report 2023-24

Disability and Accessibility Plan 2023-24

Transition Policy 2022-2023

Use of Social Media Policy 2022-2023