Physical Education and Sports Premium

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Physical Education Introduction

DfE Physical Education Programmes of Study

Physical Education Curriculum Map

23-24 Sport Premium Expenditure Report

Progression Grids:

Outdoor Adventure Activities





Physical Education I Can Checklists:



PE policy document can be found on the School Policies page.

Let’s Get Physical at

St. Michael-in-the-Hamlet School

Physical Education (PE) Curriculum

At St Michael in the Hamlet we follow the National Curriculum in England (2003): Physical Education programmes of Study: Key Stages 1 and 2.

National Curriculum in England Physical Education-

Our Physical Education (P.E.) Curriculum encourages all pupils to succeed and excel. We know that if children are given the opportunity  to express themselves physically , challenging themselves and others, it will help them to develop resilience,  confidence, as well as improving their health and fitness. At St. Michael -in-the-Hamlet school, we know that  P.E. is essential for present and future health, for the mind, body and spirit of all our children.

(According to – Mental Health and the importance of PE, Sport and Physical Activity in Schools, Feb 2020) 

‘A positive environment and activities for children to release energy, enables young people to ‘let off steam’ helps to lower anxiety levels’.

We are aware of the benefits, of being more physically active, to all children and how getting children to be more active and eating well is important. Physical activity is not just important for physical health and obesity prevention. It builds brain development, brain function and intellect. Being physically active before, during and after school improves academic performance. Mastering physical skills builds brain power.

If children become less active and are not eating healthy meals, drinks and snacks and get less than 60 minutes of physical activity a day; as well as not eating child size portions; along with less screen time and more sleep this could lead to childhood obesity.

A major factor in childhood obesity is a lack of exercise. According to Professor Neena Modi President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, ‘Four-fifths of obese children will remain obese as adults and this will result in them losing between 10-20 years of healthy life’.

What are we doing at St. Michael -in- the- Hamlet School to increase Physical Activity?
  • Our school is part of ‘Let’s Walk to School’ initiative ( ), where we encourage all our children to walk to school if they can; we know that sometimes this is not possible. . The children log what method they choose to get to school. Each class records their data daily. At the end of each month if the children have reached the recommended target they get a badge. There is a different one to collect every month.
  • Active lunchtimes- we provide equipment over lunchtime for those children who wish to participate.
  • We are currently revising our afterschool provision. Our aim is to provide a more wide and varied programme of activities (Due to the current restrictions, current guidance from the DFE and Government will be used to ensure that we offer an after school programme that ensures safe procedures and this will be reviewed on a regular basis).
  • We at St Michael in the Hamlet feel that we need to support our pupils’ to become more active throughout the school day. Moving more everyday can bring great benefits to children and young people not just to their physical health, but also improving their emotional and mental health, building confidence and social skills, reducing the risk of developing health conditions in adulthood, as well as improving learning outcomes and academic performance.

Autumn Term 1 2022 

Autumn Term 1 2022, was a great start to the Physical Education Curriculum! Here are a few highlights of the half term. 

Children in KS1 enjoyed participating in Gymnastics lessons . In Year 1, the theme was Traditional Tales the children learnt to balance on different body parts as individuals and with a partner. The children also balanced on apparatus.  During lessons they also learnt different rolls and jumps including:  log roll, side roll and to complete a straight jump landing accurately.

In Year 2, the children enjoyed the theme of  Under the Sea. The children extended their knowledge of the different types of balances, rolls and jumps. Some children successfully completed a crouched forward roll. In small groups the children worked collaboratively to perform a  sequence.


In KS2, the children participated in Dance lessons. The themes included: Year 3– Extreme Earth, Year 4 – Carnival of the Animals, Year 6 and Hive – Dancing through the Decades.

In all lessons, the children used; canon, unison and dynamics . Working in small collaborative groups or as individuals within a group the children rehearsed and performed.