Year 3 Autumn 1 – Times Tables “Rock Stars” Focus and Testing

Times Tables Rock Stars focus and testing Autumn 1

Each Friday we have a tables test. It is really important that children have fast recall of both the multiplication facts and the related division facts, which is why we test then both, first of all separately, then together. Every child has a Times Tables Rock Stars account to make learning more fun. Children with a strong oral memory might also enjoy learning their tables as songs. Kool Kidz use familiar tunes

Week ending Online focus Test
Friday 17th September two times table twos multiplication facts only
Friday 24th September two times table twos division  facts only


Friday 1st October two times table twos multiplication and division
Friday 1st October ten times table tens multiplication facts only
Friday 1st October ten times table tens division  facts only
Friday 1st October ten times table tens multiplication and division