Welcome to Year Three
Miss Bayley and Mrs Samuels are happy to welcome you to our Year 3 page, where you can see what we will be getting up to in 2023-24. Miss Fortune, Miss Mitchell and Miss Walker are our brilliant support staff in Year 3.
We will update you on what’s happening in school via Class Dojo. Please check the Class Dojo app regularly, as this is our main way of communicating all the information you need. We post updates of what we get up to in our class, we love to share photos of our successes and fabulous learning! You can also see what is going on in the wider school community on our Twitter feed @st_michaels_ham. If you are having problems with Class Dojo, please ask one of the members of staff and we will try to help.
Our PE day is Friday. Children come to school wearing their PE kit -white top, black or navy jogging bottoms/ leggings/ shorts and trainers, plus their school jumper or cardigan for warmth. If you want to leave a pair of pumps in school to change into for indoor PE these can be kept in your child’s locker. Please clearly name all articles of clothing.
Please could everyone remember to bring a water bottle every day too.
We will be setting maths homework and spellings each week on a Friday. Sometimes this will be a paper sheet, at other times an online activity. Each child also has a Times Tables Rockstars login to help them practise for the Friday tests.
Thank you for all your support, we are looking forward to a fun and productive year, working in partnership together.
Year 3 Pupil Passport
Topic Grid SPLASH Autumn 1 24-25