Year 2 – Autumn Newsletter

Welcome to Year 2!

A warm welcome from all the staff in Year 2! We hope you had a lovely summer and we can’t wait to get to know you and your children over the next academic year. We have a full, fun-packed year prepared and are looking forward to sharing with you the work your children will produce.

Our first book is called ‘Troll Swap’ and we will be doing lots of writing linked to this!

Reading is a vital part of learning in Year 2 and we would love our children to develop a love of reading and a rich vocabulary. The best way to do this is by sharing lots of books together at home as well as at school. Home readers will be given out each Monday and need to be returned on Friday. Please make sure you fill in the reading record and send them in each week. We will also be putting spellings on Class Dojo every Friday. Helping your child to learn these at home will really help them with the spelling activities we will be doing in school.

During the Autumn term we will be building on the children’s knowledge of place value, which will lead into addition and subtraction.

Our topic, ‘Twit Twoo Where Are You?’ has strong links to geography and science.

Science – living things and habitats

Art – Joan Miro

RE – Islam

Geography – World continents and oceans

Computing – Coding and Esafety

PE – Team games

We are planning a topic day for the end of the half term, we will be posting more information on class dojo! We are also hoping to have a special visitor, linked to our topic, details to follow.

We have P.E. every Thursday. The children should come to school dressed in their P.E. kit – a white t-shirt / polo shirt, school jumper / cardigan, dark jogging bottoms and trainers (no football kits please).

We will be having Golden Time on a Friday but please don’t send your child into school with any toys,

If you have any queries or worries, contact us via Class Dojo or by calling the Junior Office. Please inform us if your child is being picked up by an adult at the end of the school day who is not on the list.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Burch, Mrs Sheffield and Miss Powell