
About Us- Who Are We?

Governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to the school and the education of its children. We, your Governors, support the vision and aims of the school by considering and helping in the long term planning of the curriculum, finance and staffing and health and safety. We are not involved in day-to-day decisions, but try to take an overview of the development of the school -acting as a critical friend.

Current Governors – Academic Year 2022/23

Name Category Date Appointed Appointed by Term of
Roles and Committees
Miss Laura Moreton Head-teacher 01.10.19 Governing Body N/A Headteacher / Resources / Standards
Mrs. Amanda Patmore Co-opted Governor 05.10.22 Governing Body 1 Year Chair of Governors / Resources / Vice Chair of Standards/EYFS Link Governor
Mrs. Rona Lucas Co-opted Governor 21.09.22 Governing Body 1 Year Resources/ Standards/ Safe-guarding Link Governor
Revd. Keith Hitchman Co-opted Governor 09.10.22 Governing Body 4 Years Standards/SMSC Link Governor
Mr. Phil Watson Co-opted Governor 07.10.20 Governing Body 4 years Vice Chair of Resources/Standards/SEND/PP Link Governor
Mr. Phil Styles Co-opted Governor 08.02.23 Governing Body 4 Years Resources/English, Reading, Phonics Link Governor
Miss Helen Brewer Co-opted Governor 08.02.23 Governing Body 4 Years Standards/Science Link Governor
Mr. David Patmore LA Governor 14.10.19 Local Authority 4 Years Chair of Resources/Mental Health/Wellbeing Link Governor
Mrs. Christina O’Keefe  Parent Governor 18.05.22 Parent Election 3 Years Chair of Standards/Curriculum Link Governor
Mr. Conor Foley Parent Governor 18.05.22 Parent Election  3 years  Resources / Standards/Outdoor Provision Link Governor
Miss Bryony Powell (covering R. Brackenridge) Staff Governor 25.09.19 Staff Election 3 Years Standards
Mr. Rob Norwood Associate Governor 08.02.23 Governing Body 3 Years Resources
*Associate Governor – Mr. Rob Norwood has voting rights for the Resources and Standards Committees

Register of Pecuniary Interests 2022/23

Mr. David Patmore is the brother-in-law of Mrs. Amanda Patmore


Governor Vacancies

We currently have no Governor vacancies.

However, if you would like information on what it means to be part of the Governing body, or would like to know how to apply for future vacancies, please click the link below.

Governor vacancy information

Previous Governor Information

Governor Data