Bubble 2

Week Beginning 29th June
We explored recycling this week, where it goes and what happens to it when it leaves our homes – which we found fascinating! We then drew and labelled pictures of items in our homes that can be recycled, which we discovered is most things!
We had a go at painting using lots of small multicoloured dots to form an image which is called pointillism. It took lots of patience and concentration but I think you will agree the end results are beautiful! Excellent work Bubble 2 ? We experiment with forces in science, testing different objects and toys that can be pushed, pulled or both! We used our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to work out number bonds to 100!
Bubble 2 loved finding out about shadows in the sunshine last week- all the children noticed that their shadows pointed a different direction!
They then had a brilliant game of catch- with a water balloon! It was very exciting and everyone had a lot of fun!

Week Beginning 22nd June

Bubble 2 enjoyed making pasta faces today- as Jack said, they were creating ‘Pasterpieces’? The children were tasked to show how they feel and they all created big happy smiley faces!

Week Beginning 15th June

After watching the amazing ‘This is me’ video by all our wonderful SMH staff we made our own posters celebrating our individuality and what makes each one of us special! We then showed off our talents… we had a performance from ‘DJ Jace’, a balancing ball trio, hula-hoop acrobats and some impressive stilt skills! We made some Father’s Day and  Thank you cards to special people in our lives. Thumbs up to Bubble 2 for a brilliant week!

We are so proud of our Liverpool Skylines, Well done Bubble 2!

Week beginning 8th June

We’re really enjoying learning about Africa and the different countries. We looked at African patterns and then drew patterns onto a mask. We have also looked at Kenya and their flag and the meanings of the different colours?

Bubble 2 enjoyed listening to the story Courageous People Who Changed the World and learnt all about some very special people. They then matched some descriptions to the courageous person from the story and chose their favourite person from the story to create a poster.

They have been enjoying Mwenye Hadithi stories and after listening to Crafty Chameleon, Bubble 2 created their own colour changing chameleons- check the year 2 class page for how to do this at home?

Week beginning 1st June

Enjoying lunch in the sun and making African necklaces. Ava is eating broad beans she grew at home for her lunch!

We found lots of nature on our scavenger hunt today. We even found a birds nest and butterflies!