Sustainability Challenge

Our Sustainability Challenge!

Being sustainable means looking after our natural world and trying not to damage it,  by polluting it or being wasteful with its precious resources.

What could you do at home to be more sustainable?

Get involved – what could YOU do to HELP?

Have a look below for ideas and to see what people have been getting up to… then send in a photo to show how you’ve been helping to look after our planet. 

Finding letters while out walking…
Can you see what the letters spell out?
Food Glorious Food – for free!!

Have a look at these brilliant ideas to grow your own food – no garden, soil or seeds required!

Click on the image to find out more…

Plant wildflowers to attract bees, butterflies, moths and other pollinators…(have a look for our Butterfly and Bee Spotters, further down the page, to identify the ones you see…)

Try growing your own food from seeds.

Mrs McGill has been growing her own tomatoes!

Mrs Owen has been planting seeds in loo rolls and growing strawberries, herbs, courgettes and more!!

Try to attract more nature into your outdoor space. Try building a bug hotel or a wild water feature.

Mrs Horscroft has dug out a pond and made a home for frogs out of logs and stones…

Walk or use your bike to cycle, instead of going in the car…

Make junk models with recycled materials…

Use fabric from an old t shirt to make something new…

Share a great recipe for left-over food…

Reduce, reuse and recycle stuff…have a look at these pictures from Mrs Sayer. Can you guess what she’s up-cycled to use as a table, a dresser in her yard and a bird stand?

Mrs Owen has been composting, reusing a plastic box to make a pond and has left a pile of logs and sticks. Do you know what animals might live underneath?

Try to reduce the amount of energy your family uses as home.

Mrs McClain likes to dry her washing outside when she can, instead of using a tumble drier…

Save water, maybe by collecting rainwater to water your plants or turning off taps while you clean your teeth…

Try to use less single-use plastic. You could make eco-bricks with plastic you can’t recycle.

Click here…Tips for Making Eco bricks

Try to spread the message to other people! Have a look at some of the posters we made as part of our Save Our Seas topic in Reception…

Have a look at our Eco Team  page on the website for more ideas and information about how you can live more sustainably…

Maybe you have some ideas of your own?

We’d love to see what you can do!