Welcome to Year 4
Miss Fearon (4F) and Miss Noon (4N) are happy to welcome you to our Year 4 page where you can see what we will be getting up to in 2024-2025!
We will update you on what’s happening in school via Class Dojo and Parent App. Please check these platforms regularly as this is how we communicate all the information you need to know. You can also see what’s going on in the wider school community on our Twitter feed – @st_michaels_ham.
Below you will find important dates and information for year 4, our curriculum newsletter and topic webs to see what exciting things Year 4 will be learning about each term!
PE – Children have PE sessions on Thursdays and will come to school wearing their PE uniform – (white top, dark jogging bottoms / leggings, school jumper, cardigan or hoodie and trainers).
Water Bottles – We encourage all children to bring a water bottle in school to stay hydrated!
Brass Lessons – Year 4 are lucky enough to have brass lessons every Wednesday, delivered by Resonate. Individual and small group string lessons also take place on Wednesdays. Please remember instruments and music folders for these days.
Homework – We will be setting Maths or English homework each week on a Thursday. This will be in your child’s homework book, Please return homework by the following Tuesday.
Spelling Tests – We will be learning different spelling patterns each week in year 4 using the Superhero Spelling scheme. The children will take part in fun spelling games to help them learn the patterns and we will be sending them home each Thursday in their homework book and on Class Dojo. The spellings will be tested on the following Thursday.
Times Tables Tests – To support the maths curriculum, all children are encouraged to continue learning and practising their times tables up to 12 x 12. Regular practice is the best way to make times tables stick, so having them up around the house, listening to times tables songs and regularly using Times Tables Rockstars will help!
Spring Term 2025
Romans on the Rampage
Autumn Term 2024
Into the Unknown
We are so excited about our brilliant topic this term! You will love all our fabulous subjects and the fun way we are going to learn about them!
Ancient Egypt Enrichment Day
What a fun filled day we’ve had dancing, becoming mummies, making flat bread (then eating it!), making posters about Egyptian Gods and finally, watching the Prince of Egypt with popcorn! 🍿