Welcome to Year 3 – What we know at the moment.
We are really looking forward to welcoming your children to the junior department, and working in partnership with you. Obviously we do not know what will happen with Covid-19 rates and variants over the summer, so all this information is subject to change. We use Class Dojo to communicate with families and for home learning when necessary, so please make sure you are signed up. If you need a new invitation, please let us know. We will let you know new information and changes via Class Dojo as soon as we know.
Currently, the two Year 3 bubbles come into school via the gate at the bottom of the junior ramp at 8.55 am. They are dismissed from the rear of the junior building onto Broadhurst Street, from the left hand gate, as you face the building, at 3.20 pm. Please queue on the left hand side of the gate to keep everyone safe. Children will not be allowed to go until we see an adult for them to go to, please be patient as we learn to recognise families!
Some children will be bringing a packed lunch for the first time. These are placed on the Year 3 trolley as the children come into class. If your child is having a school dinner, you can pay using ParentPay or by sending in money in a labelled envelope. Each child should also bring a water bottle to use in school. Each child has a locker to keep their coat in, and, once we can keep them in school, their P.E. kit. Please make sure that everything is labelled with your child’s name and class.
We use a sign in system each morning using the ROAR feelings thermometer. This means we are aware of any children who are feeling sad, worried or angry, or who would like a chance to chat with an adult.
Please return reading books on Fridays, we will quarantine books over the weekend and send out new ones on Mondays. If your child is reading longer books, taking more than a week, please return them on the Friday after they have finished, they don’t need to be returned each week. Each child has an activelearnprimary account that we use to allocate electronic books and other resources. The website sends us an activity log each week, but if you find the books assigned for your child are the wrong level please let us know. There is always a bit of juggling after six weeks holiday. We will send home activelearnprimary and times tables rock stars logins at the start of the year. We will also send home information about timetables for P.E. etc. then.
If you have any questions or information that you would like us to know, please complete the ‘Information for New Teacher’ form and send it or questions to assessment@smhsch.co.uk.
On the back of this letter is a topic grid for the first half term. We also put this information on the story part of Class Dojo and on the Year 3 page of our school website. We aim to make this year enjoyable and interesting, and to support and extend every child’s learning. Thank you for all your support and help in doing this.
Miss Tsai, Mrs McLain, Mrs Burchardt and Miss Harker