Year 3 Newsletter Spring Term 2
Our topic this half term is ‘We will Rock You!’ In science we will learn about different types of rocks, and investigate their properties. In geography we will learn about volcanoes, and the advantages and disadvantages of living near one! History this term will be tracking the changes in British history, progressing from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
This half term it is 3T’s turn to go swimming at Garston Lifestyles. Their lessons will be on Wednesday mornings. Your child might also like to practise getting changed into their swimming costume, and putting all their clothes that they have taken off into a laundry basket, similar to the routine at Garston. It’s a good idea to remind the children to put their socks in their shoes, and their shoes at the bottom of the basket. Girls may want to wear socks and leggings or trousers rather than tights. All children wear swimming hats, and school staff will help them with these. If your child needs to wear ear plugs we can help with these too. Many children like to wear goggles. The children are taught by Lifestyles staff, but school staff are always on hand at the side of the pool to encourage and support. At any point during the lesson the children can use a toilet at the side of the pool. If you have any further questions or concerns please talk to us. One of the sessions will be a water safety session, when the children will need both swimming costume and pyjamas.
One of the new things we are introducing this half term is a weekly times tables test, to help the children have really rapid recall of multiplication and division facts. All our children have a Times Tables Rockstars login to help them practice. We will set the tables to match the particular table we are focusing on that week. As the children gain in fluency, we will start to ask questions from a mixture of tables, to mirror the way they will be tested in Year 4.
Another activity we are really looking forward to is a visit from the Rock Kidz team. They will be working with our children to learn songs linked to the Personal, Social, Health, Emotional and Economic Education curriculum, culminating in a concert during the first week of the new half term. More details of concert timings and how to obtain tickets will come via another letter.