Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
Topic |
Valley of the Kings |
Lights, Camera, Action! |
The Groovy Greeks |
We will rock you! |
Amazing Asia |
There’s No Place Like Home |
Key text |
Not like that, like this!
Huge Red Riding Hood The Dragon Slayer ‘All my great excuses’ poem
Greek Myths and Legends
Escape from Pompeii
Fossils! Volcano Awakes
Poetry-Roger McGough- Language play
Non-Fiction texts- Countries within Asia
Poetry shape poems
English |
Narrative stories-with familiar settings, especially gardens and parks Instructions i.e. – How to make a mummy?
Play scripts Performance poetry Traditional tales |
Narrative –Myths and Legends. Non-Fiction Information writing- -Report on the legacies of Ancient Greece. |
Non-Fiction-Rocks and Soils and Crystals. Information writing- Report on The Rock Cycle. Stone age to Iron Age Report, |
Persuasive Writing Letters Poetry
Historical report on early civilisations. |
Adventure Stories
Describe a setting Character descriptions |
Grammar |
Now following ‘Jolly Grammar’ scheme, which has both spelling and grammar parts.
Phonics intervention (Phases 3 to 6) if necessary / when LSA available |
Maths |
Following Abacus scheme
+ and – Place value More than less than Doubling halving Bonds to 10, 20 and 100 Inverse operations to find missing numbers Multiplying and dividing by 3, 4 and 5 Measurement conversions
Time intervals Subtraction using a blank number line 3D shapes Fractions of an amount Doubling and halving Place value of money + and – using partitioning
Place value + by partitioning Doubles and halves Recall 2,3,4,5,8 and 10. Multiplication word problems. Inverse operations. Count in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100
Find 10 more/less
Find 100 more/less 2D /3D shape Measuring perimeters.
Venn diagrams Carroll diagrams Pictograms Recall 2,3, 4,5, 8 and 10 The grid method Partitioning Place value money Subtraction with a blank number line Column method + Time Days of the week Roman numerals Measurement conversions Fractions- finding 1/3’s
Adding multiples of ten Ordering fractions Multiplying by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 Scaling Multiples of ten Multiplying using the grid method Dividing by 2 and 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers Pictograms and bar charts Grams and kilograms Adding 2 and 3 digit numbers |
Perimeters Fractions Equivalent fractions Fractions of amounts Division with remainders Scale Kilometres and metres Blank number line 8 compass points Different type of lines 4 Figure grid references.
Science |
Forces –comparing how things move on different surfaces. Magnets, how they interact with each other and how they attract some materials but not others.
Light Different light sources. How light is needed to see. How shadows are formed. Changing light- transparent, translucent and opaque materials
Parts of Plants. The role of different parts of plants. Life cycle of a flowering plant. Different methods of seed dispersal.
To describe and group rocks and soils on the basis of their characteristics including appearance, texture and permeability.
What plants need. Changing different variables and seeing how this effects plant growth.
Growing and Moving. What is a healthy diet for humans and other animals. Different food groups. The roles of the skeleton.
Art |
Pencil line drawing self portraits Designing and painting am Egyptian Death Mask Collage |
Design and make a Christmas card- links to DT |
. |
Lines To create line drawings of different types of rocks and Stone Henge.
Drawing To draw special places of worship.
Computing |
E safety Keeping safe online. Respectful and safe online relationships
Algorithms and Programs Espresso-Coding Simple animations
Algorithms and Programs Espresso-Coding Design and code a game
Using social media and website- tweets and website content |
Big Robots and floor robots |
Using the internet for research |
DT |
Using a greater range of tools safely, including hot glue guns when making hovercraft. Design and make death mask |
Using levers and slider to make movement. Shadow puppets
Food Technology- to design a picnic
Geography |
To use geographical words to describe a locality and identify key features on a map. Plot NSEW on a map Use maps and atlases to describe the physical features in a locality. Name countries located in the Northern hemisphere.
To locate countries and capital cities in Europe. Weather around the world.
To explain why the Mediterranean is a popular holiday destination. To describe the physical features in a locality. To recognise the eight points of a compass.
To describe how volcanoes are created. To describe how volcanoes have an impact on people’s lives. Name and locate some of the world’s most famous volcanoes.
Human Geography- Population density in different Asian countries. |
To use ordnance survey maps and symbols
History |
Achievements of early civilisations. Chronological understanding to use BCE and CE, use dates and language ancient and century along with making timelines. To recognise the role of archaeologists.
To describe events and periods using BC and BCE. To study Greek life and achievements and their influence on the world, linked to legacy. Researching buildings, columns, farming, theatre, men and women, children and education. |
Stone Age to Iron Age Late Neolithic hunter gathers and early farmers- nomadic to settlers Skara Brae Bronze age religion and travel Stonehenge, Iron Age Hill forts, tribal kingdoms farming , art and culture. |
Sumer Civilisations, Indus Valley and The Shang Dynasty linked to our topic of Amazing Asia. Chronological Understanding– To describe events and periods using words: BC,AD and decade. To describe events from the past using dates when things happened. To use timelines within a specific timeline to order things that may have happened. Historical enquiry To recognise the role archaeologists have had in helping us to understand more about what happened in the past. Can they use various sources of evidence to answer questions. Can they identify similarities and differences between given periods in history
Music |
charanga unit Learn and perform ‘Three Little Birds’ Learning more about pitch and rhythm. Controlling voice when singing
Performing The Christingle Song for church service. Songs and performance for class assembly
Charanga unit
The Dragon Song |
Charanga Unit
Glockenspiel stage 1 |
Charanga Unit
Bringing us together |
Charanga Unit
Let your spirit fly
PE |
Evaluating and improving To explain how their work is similar and different from that of others To use a greater number of their own ideas for movement in response to a task. Acquiring and developing Skills To move and use actions with co-ordination and control.
Developing skills To improvise freely with a partner translating ideas from stimulus to movement. Incorporate different qualities and dynamics into their movements Selecting and Applying skills and tactics To perform short dances with expression, showing an awareness of others when moving.
Developing Skills Travel with control whilst bouncing a ball. Use a range of skills to help them keep possession and control of the ball.
Selecting and Applying skills and tactics Choose and use batting or own throwing skills to make the game hard for their opponents.
Developing Skills To throw with accuracy and power into a target To show the difference between sprinting and running. Selecting and Applying skills and tactics Choose and use throwing to reach a target.
Outdoor Games and Orienteering Acquiring and developing skills. To use appropriate skills, actions and ideas To move and use actions with co-ordinations and control. Evaluating and Improving To explain how their work is similar and different from that of others. To recognise how performances can be improved,
To throw and catch with control when under limited pressure. To be aware of space and to use it to support team mates and cause problems for the opposition.
We are all stars: Devise a class charter Class rules Explore feelings P4C – Should rules apply to everyone?
Be friendly Be Wise The importance of friends.
Living long, Living strong Our focus will be on feeling happy and staying healthy and overcoming barriers to reach goals.
Our right to be different. How do we show or hide our feelings in ways which we can stand up for ourselves responsibly and safely. |
Who can you call for help? Who can help in an emergency?
Changes-joining in and joining up. |
RE |
Rules from different religions. The life of Moses |
What do people believe about God |
Places of Worship in different religions |
Enrichment |
Possible visit from STEM Ambassador from Croda Science Friction
Christingle Service Drama workshops with class governor Singing workshops with parents