Year 1 – Autumn Newsletter

Welcome to Year 1!


Our topic for this term is called ‘You’re An Explorer’. The topic is based on our English text: Lost and Found. The children will also learn about hot and cold places, animals and comparing the Artic to a city in England. We will also be exploring art using the artist Paul Klee as an inspiration.


This term our PE sessions are on Mondays. The children should come to school wearing their P.E. clothing: jogging bottoms and a top, preferably dark coloured bottoms and a white T shirt/school jumper. You do not need to buy new clothing for this; please use what you have that is appropriate. Please do not send your child into school wearing a football kit.

Home Reading

Your child will be allocated reading books from our school reading scheme which allows your children to develop independence and fluency. Reading books will be sent home every Monday and need to be returned every Friday. If your child finds their reading book too difficult or easy please let us know in their Home Reading Record Book.


We will occasionally send homework which will be posted on the Class Dojo story (if you do not access Class Dojo, please let us know so we can get you connected). Homework will be directly linked to what we’re learning in class.


Teachers & Support Staff:

In 1R it is Mr. Ramsden and  Ms Langeveld.  In 1F it is Ms. Frost, Mrs Fortune, Mrs Walker and Mrs Payne.


Thank you for support since the children have returned to school! We’re so excited for all of the lovely things we will do this year 🙂