‘Walk Once a Week’ Challenge (WOW)



Introducing WOW – the year- round walk to school challenge

St Michael in the Hamlet is encouraging all families to swap the school run for a school walk, helping children to feel happier and healthier and reducing congestion at the school gates.

From September to July 2023 we are taking part in WOW – the year – round walk to school challenge, from Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking. WOW rewards children who walk to school at least once a week with a collectable badge each month.

There are 11 badges to collect across the year and daily journeys are logged by pupils on the interactive Travel Tracker accessed through the school’s computer or whiteboard in the classroom. If your family already cycles or scoots to school, these will also count towards earning a WOW badge.

What if we can’t walk to school?

If you live too far away or don’t have time to walk the whole way to school, you can Park and Stride to earn your WOW badge. Park or hop off public transport at least ten minutes away from the school and walk the rest of the way.

visit: www.livingstreets.org.uk/walktoschool for further information.