Welcome to our Special Educational Needs Information Page
Welcome to St. Michael-In-The-Hamlet Community Primary School. We fundamentally believe that all children deserve to access a high quality education in which they can thrive and become the leaders of tomorrow. We have the highest expectations and aims for all members of our school community. We aim that every child will have access to a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum. As a team, we believe that children with special educational needs are best supported through quality first teaching, impactful interventions and adjustments to remove barriers to learning. We recognise that all staff are teachers of SEND and we work together to make a meaningful impact through each and every interaction we have with our children. We strive to ensure all parents, children and staff have a voice that can help shape and refine our educational offer.
The SEND Team around school:
The SMITH SEND Team truly operates as a team. Please see the various roles staff members hold within the team below:
Mr Norwood – Assistant Headteacher, SENDCo, Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead
Mrs Roberts – Deputy SENDCo
Miss Maddison – Pastoral Lead, EHAT Lead
If you would like to contact Mr Norwood or any member of the SEND Team please use the following contacts below:
Email: send@smhsch.co.uk
Contact number: 0151 727 3215
Our Pastoral Provision
We are very lucky at St.Michaels to have a member of our SEND team out of class delivering social, emotional, mental health interventions to many of our children. The Pastoral Lead supports those children that are struggling to access aspects of school and cannot gain support from external agencies. The role is being led by a wonderful professional that has vast experience of working with children with additional needs. If you would like any further information regarding our pastoral offer; please contact the SEND email.
What to do if you have a concern?
In the first instance, please speak to your child’s class teacher. They may share your concern or have additional information for you to consider. If you would like to raise this further please contact a member of SEND Team. We will always involve yourself in our decision making process and children will only be added or removed from registers with your approval. The flowchart below may provide a helpful overview:
The following checklists may be useful below if you have concern about a specific need (checklists have been compiled using information from Alder Hey and specialist websites).
Checklist – ADHD – signs and symptoms
Checklist – Autism – signs and symptoms
Checklist – Dyscalculia – signs and symptoms
Checklist – Dyslexia – signs and symptoms
Contacts for Liverpool Services
The Local Offer – Liverpool Family Information and SEND Directory
Early Help Support for Parents of SEND
Our Liverpool School Health Services
Our SEND link governor
Our School Governing Board has a Governor with responsibility for SEND – Mr Phil Watson. The school SENCo works closely with the link governor; meeting on a half-termly basis to discuss practice, data and progress against whole school development goals.
The Hive Resource Base
Our school offers a specialist provision for children in KS2. The criteria for The Hive is a diagnosis (or on the pathway for) ASD and/or MLD. There are 18 places across two Hive classes. The base is managed by St.Michael-In-The-Hamlet. However, all placements are chosen by the Local Authority. For a placement within The Hive, please consult with your LA SEN Casework Officer. For more information, please contacted our dedicated SEND email: send@smhsch.co.uk.
The Inclusion Quality Mark
Last academic year, we were delighted to have achieved ‘The Inclusion Quality Mark.’ The followed an inspection into the inclusive ethos of our school. We are proud to say that the report details the fantastic work that staff, children and parents do everyday to make SMITH a truly inclusive school. Please find our report below:
SMITH Inclusion Quality Mark Report
The National Award in Attachment and Trauma
We are delighted to have achieved the Bronze Award in Attachment and Trauma. Our staff have all participated in training relating to Attachment and Trauma. Our provision is tailored and amended to ensure that all that have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences have the opportunity to thrive in their educational journey. Please find our inspection report below:
Key SEND Policies and Documents
Documents are reviewed yearly unless otherwise stated.
Please note, the complaints procedure for parents and carers of children with special educational needs can be found on page 8 of the “Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy 2023 – 2024”, and, in ‘Complaints Procedure’ link below.
SEND Information Report 2024-25
Disability and Accessibility Plan 2024-25
Government policy and legislation
Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations
Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions
Guidance on EHCPs
An Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is a legal document that provides support and guidance for children and young people with special education needs or disabilities (SEND) in Formal. It is a comprehensive plan that outlines the individual needs and goals of the child, and sets out the support and provision required to help them achieve those goals. The EHCP ensures that the child’s educational, health, and care needs are appropriately met and that they have equal access to learning opportunities.
To apply for an EHCNA (Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment), parents or caregivers need to contact their local authority, the Education and Early Years Directorate, to express their concerns about their child’s learning or development. The local authority will then consider the request and decide whether to proceed with the assessment. It is important for parents to provide detailed evidence regarding their child’s special educational needs and any relevant medical or health information.
Once a request for an EHCNA is accepted, a multi-disciplinary team, which may include educational professionals, healthcare professionals, and social care workers, will gather information about the child’s needs. This assessment process involves meetings with professionals involved in the child’s care, observations, and discussions with the child and their parents or caregivers. The purpose of the assessment is to determine whether the child requires an EHCP to support their educational, health, and care needs.
After the assessment, if it is deemed that the child requires additional support, the local authority will initiate the process of producing an EHCP. This involves collaborating with the child’s parents or caregivers, along with any relevant professionals involved in the child’s care, to create a tailored plan that outlines the child’s needs, aspirations, and the support required to meet those needs. The EHCP will include information such as the child’s strengths and difficulties, educational provision, health and care provision, and any specific outcomes to be achieved.
The EHCP should be regularly reviewed to ensure that the child’s needs are being met effectively. If changes need to be made to the plan, a review meeting can be arranged to discuss and update the provisions accordingly. The EHCP will typically remain in place until the young person finishes their education, or until it is determined that they no longer require additional support.
In conclusion, an EHCP is a crucial tool in providing appropriate support for children and young people with special education needs or disabilities in Formal. By following the process of applying for an EHCNA and creating an EHCP, educational authorities can ensure that these children have equal access to the educational opportunities they deserve, while also addressing their health and care needs.
ADHD Support
Family Information Pack for Post-Diagnosis ADHD Support
NHS – Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
The ADHD Foundation – The Neurodiversity Charity
ASC / ASD support
Supporting children with Autism
Dyslexia Support
The British Dyslexia Association
The International Dyslexia Association
ADDvanced Solutions: Our Offer In Liverpool
ADDvanced Solutions: Our Offer In Liverpool
Useful SEND Weblinks
Autism Initiatives
We work positively alongside people with autism, their families and carers providing specialist services tailored to each individual.
Liverpool Autism Outreach Service
The Autism Outreach Team consists of specialist teachers trained in all aspects of autism; the use of TEACCH®, PECS®, Social Stories and other complimentary interventions.
LivPaC ‘Liverpool Parent and Carer’
LivPaC is a local parent carer forum in Liverpool independently run by parents for parents, carers, grandparents and family members who have a child/young person between the ages of 0 & 25 years with a disability, complex health needs, SEN or/and additional needs.
Autism in Motion, Liverpool
Autism in Motion is a parent led group, It is run by three parents Jo, Hannah and Terri. We all have children with Autism and SENd.
Liverpool Parents’ Interest Group (PIG)
Support Group for Parents, Grandparents & Carers of children with social and communications difficulties
ADDvanced Solutions Community Network
Community based learning, coaching and mentoring programmes and health, wellbeing and enrichment activities for families living with Neurodevelopmental conditions. We aim to equip and empower parents, carers, children and young people with the skills, tools, knowledge and confidence to better recognise, understand and meet the needs of their family.
Autism Training Team – Liverpool
The Autism Training Team hold drop-in sessions twice a month in different children’s Centre’s across the city. They are for Parents/Carers or professionals wishing to talk in a private one to one setting. You do not require a diagnosis of ASC to attend but must have questions or concerns about the young person. The drop ins are not a training session and do not require an appointment.
Autism Alliance
Autism Alliance is the major UK network of specialist autism charities.
Liverpool Early Help Directory, SEN & Disability Local Offer
Comprehensive resource detailing Liverpool’s SEN & Disability Local Offer.
Autism-friendly learning sessions in Liverpool museums
Liverpool Museums have been working with Autism Together to develop skills to make our venues more autism-friendly.
Holidays and days out – NAS – National Autistic Society
Lots of ideas for holidays and days out at autism-friendly venues plus tips for taking a child on the autism spectrum to different leisure venues.
Can Liverpool be World’s first Autism friendly city?
News article by ‘Autism Together’ : ‘Autism Together’ and community business ‘Autism Adventures UK’ have joined forces on a mission to turn Liverpool into the world’s first truly autism-friendly city.
Autism Awareness | Liverpool John Lennon Airport
Autism Awareness at Liverpool John Lennon Airport. If you or someone you are travelling with has Autism or ASD, travelling through an airport can be an overwhelming experience. We have provided a guide showing you what to expect when at the airport.