St Michael in the Hamlet Safeguarding Curriculum
This curriculum supports staff to teach explicitly the messages that Primary children need to know to be able to keep themselves and others safe.
The details of the teaching will vary depending on the age and needs of the class. There are many links with PSHEE, RRSA, SEAL, P4C and the Science curriculum, and although a particular topic may cover the necessary information it is vital that a direct link is made to safeguarding, so the children are familiar that certain knowledge and behaviours helps to keep them safe.
Safeguarding teaching takes place in a safe and supportive atmosphere which includes circle time where messages about safeguarding can be reinforced and runs alongside the schools planning for digital literacy. Regular time is given for children to share their learning and talk about their feelings. Where a child discloses information that puts them at risk or where there is a concern raised about any aspect of their knowledge and understanding, staff immediately inform the Safeguarding team.
In addition to specific taught sessions, assemblies e.g. online safety, visitors to school e.g. police, environmental messages e.g. posters, and themed weeks e.g. Healthy Living Week will be used to reinforce messages about safeguarding. All adults in school have received Safeguarding training and will be able to signpost children appropriately.