School Meals, Menus and Parent Information

We have a wonderful catering team at S.M.I.T.H. who prepare and serve our lunches each day.

School Dinner Menu

Use the link below to see the food choices available each week.

Primary Menu Summer Term 2024



Check out the  Free school Meals Flyer  for more information and then click below to apply


Apply here for free school meals and help your school receive extra funding.

Click to apply now.


Our Catering Company

From November 2019 our school meals have been provided by ‘Food for Thought Merseyside’ a ‘not for profit’ healthy school meals caterer.

food for thought Merseyside

Food for Thought serves over 50,000 meals each month in over twenty schools in Liverpool.  For the last two years, having achieved the Soil Association’s Gold Award, all our kitchens serve, in the main, free range and locally sourced meat, fish, fruit and vegetables.

The meals at our school are prepared and cooked entirely on the school premises by our kitchen staff that use locally sourced ingredients. The menus are carefully balanced and the children are surveyed to see what improvements can be made. School meals are currently priced at £2.00 per day.

From 1st January 2015, The School Food Standards Agency has advised that schools are now required to make available for all children lower fat milk or lactose reduced milk each day. We will be making milk available during lunch time for all children should they wish to have some. This includes children who have packed lunches. At this time we do not plan to add a charge to parents who are not entitled to FSM (free school meals), although we may have to review this in the future. School will also continue to provide milk to Infant children during their morning break. No fizzy drinks are allowed in school. Children on packed lunches may bring a carton of fruit juice.

Useful Links

The School Food Plan


Allergen Advice and Dietary Needs

If your child has any special dietary needs please do not hesitate to contact their class teacher, who will immediately liaise with the catering team.

Allergen Information Table

This table contains a list of common allergies and the foodstuffs where they may found.

CELERY Celery Stalks, leaves and seeds, also celeriac in salads, soups and some meat products
GLUTEN Wheat, rye and barley and foods containing flour such as bread, pasta, cakes and pastries
CRUSTACEA Prawns, lobster, scampi, crab and shrimp paste
EGGS In cakes, mousses, sauces, pasta, quiche, mayonnaise and foods brushed with egg
FISH In some salad dressings, pizzas, fish sauce, and some soy & Worcestershire sauces
LUPIN Lupin seeds and flour in some types of bread and pastries
MILK In yogurt, cream, cheese, butter, milk powders and food glazed with milk
MOLLUSCS Such as mussels, whelks, squid, land snails, and oyster sauce
MUSTARD In liquid, powder and seed forms, also in salad dressings, marinades, soups, sauces, curries, and meat products
NUTS In sauces, desserts, crackers, bread, ice cream, marzipan, ground almonds and nut oil
PEANUTS In sauces, cakes, desserts, groundnut oil and peanut oil
SESAME SEEDS In bread, bread-sticks, tahini, houmous and sesame oil
SOYA As tofu, bean curd, soya flour and soya protein, in some desserts, sauces and vegetarian products
SULPHUR DIOXIDE In meat products, fruit juice drinks, dried fruit and vegetables, wine