Here at SMITH, we understand that visitors, day trips and learning outside the classroom can be effective ways of inspiring our pupils, and they can often offer unique educational experiences.
Reflecting upon our school values, we aim to ensure that pupils are safe, motivated and happy in their learning and are given opportunities to develop their understanding, as well as their team work skills outside of the classroom.
Educational visits and day trips give our pupils a range of experiences where they can explore cultures, respect differences, and develop their knowledge and understanding. During your child’s journey with us we aim to offer visits to several different places of worship as well as offering a variety of local trips with links to our SMITH curriculum.
Residential trips are a great way for children to experience exciting, challenging, activities in a safe, environment guided by highly experienced leaders. Children can gain a great sense of achievement by tackling and overcoming new challenges, whether individually, or in teams.
Our policy reflects the guidance given by Liverpool City Council in their document entitled ‘Educational Visits Policy 2023‘
Education Visit and School Trips Policy