Parent Questionnaire Outcomes

Parent Questionnaire 2021/22

We will be sending out a parent questionnaire this term. This is a great opportunity for you to share with us what we’re good at and what we can do to be even better. We always strive to ensure we are meeting the needs of our families and community in this ever changing climate.

In the meantime, why not take a look at feedback from previous years and even our last Ofsted report which also captured our parent voice…

What do parents feel is working well at St Michael in the Hamlet?

“ School is a place where children feel safe, confident and secure and encouraged to do their best in a stimulating curriculum.”

“ Staff are approachable, dedicated, friendly and happy and have high expectations of the children.”

“ There is a real sense of community …embracing children from all different backgrounds… and teaching respect and responsibility as members of a wider community.”

“Breakfast club, after school clubs, brass sessions in Year 4, and Y6 additional tuition are all excellent resources.”

“There are lots of opportunities to be involved as a family.”

“The focus on wellbeing and teaching the children emotional literacy is a real strength.”

We look forward to hearing your views!