Nursery Learning

Nursery Spring 2 Topic: Mini-beasts and Mega-beasts

Our Key Focus is a scientific look at creepy crawlies and dinosaurs to expand our understanding.

Next Stay and Play: Wednesday 25th March – 8:45am to 9:45am for all children.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development: We are putting our hands up to give answers and not interrupting others. We are sharing our toys when we’re playing with others. We are using our words to resolve disagreements and having kind hands.

Physical Development: We are dancing to our favourite action songs and using our outdoors area to move in different ways: running, skipping, jumping. We are also being rock stars in Rock Kids! We are doing lots of writing in the mark making area! Writing invitations for our tea party, labelling mini-beasts and designing a dinosaur! By using lots of playdough to mould things, we are improving our pencil grips.

Communication and Language: We are talking about the things we observe around us and recalling events and special moments in our lives. It’s important for us to ask lots of different types of questions and answer some too! We are thinking of words that have alliteration like blue bee and slippery slug.

Expressive Arts and Design: We are making our own dinosaurs and moulding volcanos out of clay! We are making our own bug houses for the creepy crawlies to live in. We are colouring, drawing and painting all the time!

Understanding the World: We are learning about different habitats that we might not see like ants living underground! We are looking back in time to when dinosaurs roamed the earth and mini-beasts were not so small.

Literacy: We are reading stories, non-fiction books and magazines. We are writing for mark making with different materials and writing invitations, labels and our names. We are finding the same sounds at the beginning of words.

Mathematical Development: We are counting the legs on mini-beasts and the spots on dinosaurs to practise counting 1-20. We are finding shapes and making new buildings, like bug houses. We are always looking for shapes in our outside environments.