Nursery Newsletter – Autumn 2, 2020
Welcome back! We hope you had a restful half term!
This term our topic in EYFS is ‘Festival’. We will be reading stories and learning about different kinds of celebrations that people take part in including Hannukah, Diwali and Christmas. We will also be focussing on a wide range of nursery rhymes as they are a powerful learning tool in your child’s early literacy development and they enable children to become interested in the rhythms and patterns of language. We hope you have fun singing lots of nursery rhymes at home as well!
All the children have settled (brilliantly) into our Nursery routine and we will continue to focus on listening skills, playing with others, sharing our toys and working together.
We are very keen to promote independence in our children and we would be grateful if your child could be dressed in clothes that allow them to access the toilets independently e.g. elasticated jogging bottoms. Please could you ensure that your child wears shoes which they can fasten themselves and that they can put their own coat on. We spend a lot of time outdoors, so a waterproof coat and a pair of wellies are essential. A clean change of clothing is also advisable for all children as accidents can happen. We would welcome any spare jogging bottoms as our stocks don’t always make their way back to us and we are running low!
Thanks again for all your support during these unprecedented times.
Ms Millican, Mrs Payne, Mrs Fortune