CSE – Child Sexual Exploitation

“Someone taking advantage of you sexually, for their own benefit. Through threats, bribes, violence, humiliation, or by telling you that they love you, they will have the power to get you to do sexual things for their own, or other people’s benefit or enjoyment (including: touching or kissing private parts, sex, taking sexual photos).”

Protecting children against becoming vulnerable to being exploited when they are older is part of our safeguarding curriculum for all our children and is closely linked to our PSHEE curriculum.

Key messages that you can reinforce at home

  • Your body is your own.
  • (Pants are Private, respect for personal space, differentiating between positive and negative touch, what to do when you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, what makes a good friend )
  • There are trusted adults inside and outside of school to help you if you have a worry. (Buddies/Staff/Safety cadets/Parents/Childline/NSPCC)
  • Know how to keep safe online- especially when sharing images that may be exploited by others. Using electronic devices and social media safely, Sexting awareness. Reinforce with your child that once it’s online it’s not private, and once you post it’s there for ever and if you feel uncomfortable ask for help.
  • Know what healthy relationships are and what to do if they are not.
  • Build your child’s resilience to make informed choices and cope with risk. Give them some responsibilities, make decisions and weigh up the consequences and let them experience losing


If you have any concerns please come and talk to the Safeguarding team in school or your child’s class teacher. For further information please look at the sites listed below.



