
The policy for Computing at S.M.I.T.H can be found on the School Policies page.

Being ‘Computer Scientists’ at SMITH

The use of computers and computer systems is an integral part of the National Curriculum and knowing how they work and can be used is a vital life skill. At St. Michael in the Hamlet Primary School, we consider the development of children as lifelong learners essential and a child’s ability to use digital technology responsibly, safely and effectively important.

We exist in an increasingly digital world; there now exists a wealth of software, tools and technologies that can be used to communicate, collaborate, express ideas and create digital content. At SMITH, we recognise that pupils are entitled to a broad and balanced Computing education with a structured, progressive approach to learning how computer systems work, the use of information technology (IT) and the skills necessary to become digitally literate and participate fully in the modern world.

At St Michael in the Hamlet, we aim to deliver a modern computing curriculum that prepares children for life outside of the classroom as well as inside of it and teach through the following strands:
– Digital Literacy (online safety, using the internet, emails, video and podcasting etc.)
– Computer Science (computer networks, algorithms, sequencing, selection and variables etc.)
– Information Technology (creating and understanding charts, designing, web pages etc.)

This means:
We want to inspire children to identify that technology is a vital part of their lives and will be something that they engage with socially as well as through work and everyday life. Computing is fun for children to learn and for teaching staff to deliver and will also provide learners with the opportunity to be taught discretely as well as integrated within the curriculum. When children leave us ready for high school, children will be competent at using a range of technology and will understand and use subject-specific vocabulary.

What does Computing look like as part of the National Curriculum?

Please click HERE to read the National Curriculum document outlining Computing in primary school settings.

How do we progress in Computing at SMITH? 

Please click HEREto see the SMITH curriculum overview and HERE to see the progression of skills.

Have a look at what we have been getting up to…
Family Learning

The Computing Family Learning was lots of fun! Children and their grown-ups got to edit photos of Mr Birss and each other to highlight image manipulation and trusting online content. They then looked at what coding is and explored our Espresso coding program together.

In Class

Check out what children have been doing in class…

Video presentation – All About Norway

Coding – IMG_3942