Art & Design


Our Art and Design curriculum focuses on the seven main areas of art: colour, drawing, painting, texture work, printing, sculpture and digital media. In EYFS, children use a variety of mediums as part of their Expressive Arts and Design area of learning. We link art and design to our topics and each year group across KS1 and KS2 studies a particular artist in depth which ensures a varied experience by the time our children leave in year 6. Each child receives a high quality sketch book in year 1 which they will keep and use each year to record their artistic journey throughout S.M.I.T.H. Keep your eyes on this page to see regular updates of our wonderful Art & Design work throughout 2024/2025!

Art & Design National Curriculum

Art and Design Subject Overview 2024-2025

Progression of Knowledge and Skills encountered in each area of Art and Design can be found by clicking the following link: Art Knowledge and Skills Progression



Keep your eyes peeled for our next Art Family Learning!