Welcome back!
We hope that you have had a lovely half term holiday. We’re all raring to go for another fantastic Spring half term, in Year 4!
We will continue using the book ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes as a stimulus for our fiction (suspense story), non-fiction (explanations) and poetry writing. The focus will be on comprehension skills and improving the children’s writing. The text, also, has strong cross-curricular links with Science and DT.
Please encourage your child to read at home regularly. They have the opportunity to choose books from school OR home as well as interacting with books online via our exciting ‘Bug Club’. Their progress needs to be recorded in their Home Reading Record Book and this will be monitored in school.
During the second half of the Spring term we will be building on the children’s knowledge of multiplication and division and we will use this knowledge to look at fractions and decimals. We spent a lot of time focusing on the four operations last half term and would encourage you to have a go at them with your child to keep the methods ticking over.
The children must continue to work on their times table knowledge, so please make sure you practise with them at home. We will continue to use ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ in class to improve their recall and to prepare them for the Summer assessment test and we would encourage you to access this at home too. Well done everyone who’s had a go at the maths activities on the Active learn website. We will continue to update these so keep going!
Our topic, ‘Near, Far and FaRther’, has strong links to geography, DT, science and RE.
Science – Grouping Living Things and Electricity; Geography- map skills and rainforests;
DT – making a paper mache Iron man head.
RE – Judaism and commitment;
P4C – environmental issues.
We would love the children to do a project based on our topic. Be as creative as you can!
Brass will continue on Tuesday mornings. PE will continue on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.
We have a trip to the synagogue on Princes Avenue. 4A will be going on Tuesday 17th March and 4B will be the following week, on Wednesday 24th March 2020. There is £2 entrance fee for this trip and school will cover the transport costs, more details to follow.
If you have any queries or worries, contact us via the Junior Office. Please inform us if your child is being picked up by an adult at the end of the school day, who is not on the list.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Agis Miss Bennett Mrs Burchardt