Autumn 2 News from Year 3
Well done everyone for completing our first half term. We hope you have a relaxing half term holiday. We are so pleased and proud of the way the children have adapted to all their new routines and activities. It feels like they have been juniors for much longer than eight weeks. As the days get darker and colder, we will continue to have activities to support our children’s well-being; this is one of our whole school priorities again this year. We are very excited about our visits to Park Palace Ponies. Last year, we found it was such a joyful activity for our children. They loved spending time with the ponies, some even wanted to take them home! We have planned a provisional timetable for which children go each week. Last year we found that we needed to make some last minute changes, because some children were ill and needed to swap sessions. Thanks in advance for your help and flexibility with this. We will communicate any changes on Class Dojo, and by sending reminder slips home.
On the back of this letter you will find a topic grid for the next half-term. Some topics, such as our study of Ancient Greece, continue. We will also introduce some new topics, such as the science study of light and shadows. In our design and technology project we will be using levers and linkages to make moving pictures. Please could you collect old cereal boxes over the holidays? We will cut them up and use them in this project. Thank you.
We continue to do spellings and times tables tests on Fridays. We also have a special reading activity on Friday mornings, reading different books and extracts together, and then responding to the text in different ways. We also want to start a lunchtime book club. Any child from 3M or 3T who would like to join is welcome to come along to the 3M classroom on Friday lunchtimes, at 11.45 am. Children can read books from home or from school, and recommend favourites to each other.
Thank you to Miss Harker and Mrs Burchardt, who have been busy after school, running maths and art clubs. They were so popular that we needed to create a waiting list of children who were interested, and they will get priority for the clubs run in Autumn 2.
We are not yet sure what activities will happen for Christmas, as Covid levels continue to rise in schools. But we will find creative ways to celebrate and perform, and will let you know our plans as soon as we know them.
Thanks again for all your support,
The Year 3 team