Recently our children took part in a Spring Community Clean Up that was organised by our local councillors, Anna Key, Tom Crone and Sarah Jennings. Take a look at the photos below to see our children in action helping to keep our shared community areas litter free. This is what the councillors said …
“We would like to thank St Michael in the Hamlet school for supporting the community litter picks during the Great British Spring Clean weekend 3 and 4th March 2018. We enjoyed taking part in school assemblies and were very impressed by how knowledgeable the children were, and how aware of our community and the environment.
The weekend was a huge success. Five separate community litter picks were arranged around our local area. In total 70 people took part including 19 St Michael’s pupils. Between us we collected a total of 41 bags of litter from our streets. That is a huge amount of rubbish that would otherwise still be blowing around our neighbourhood, so big thanks to everyone who helped. The areas that were cleaned looked fantastic afterwards, which is really rewarding, and good fun was had by everyone who came out to help in their community.”
Cllrs. Anna Key, Tom Crone and Sarah Jennings
Well done to all our children and families who were involved – you are super community ambassadors and also have earned extra house points for your teams!